Rebooting my startup after I lost nearly everything

The testing and updates had been going smoothly until last month, when my laptop, travel wallet and backup hard drive were stolen out of a friend’s car in San Francisco. I lost nearly all Attaché collateral, 17,000 photos of destinations and airports and several business plan and financial model versions.

After 140,000 miles of travel, you left me with this San Francisco, thanks :-\After 140,000 miles of travel, you left me with this San Francisco, thanks :-\

Since my bags were also lost somewhere between Taipei, Istanbul and LA (had a crazy routing back, airline couldn’t keep up) I was down to three pairs of clothes, since I had sold or donated most of my stuff before starting my trip over 13 months and 37 countries ago.

But over the past few weeks, I rebuilt.

v2 of the website is out (let me know what you think!), I’ve ordered inventory and switched out a few suppliers. I’ve talked with people about to depart for destination cities at the airport, and linked all of the social media and blogging together.

So now we’re ready. Tell your friends and family, share this post, retweet and uproot on product hunt. Tell your seat mate if you’re traveling. Tell me, if you see room for improvement.

I don’t have a massive following, but if you do (and even if you don’t), help me grow my small business, since I still think it’s important to give people the tools to have a soft landing when they arrive to a new country. Fight back against Big Travel.

Connect your phone, skip past the lines into town and know the local ropes. Less hassle, fewer errands and more time at work or play.

I’ll be posting pretty steady updates on Attaché from here on out.

Thanks for all the support!

Humble Entrepreneur

Eric Boromisa - Attaché Arrivals

What is Attaché? — We make arrival kits for international travelers - SIM cards, transit passes, outlet converters, cultural literacy guides, airplane comfort kits and more, tailored to your destination - All sent to your home or office before you leave. Check it out at

2 Responses to “Rebooting my startup after I lost nearly everything”

  1. Google drive or a similar real time sync service is amazing for those times.

  2. Ugh, I’m sorry to hear you lost so much data but glad you could recover it. I know you’ve probably heard this 1,000 times already, so this comment is probably more for other people reading this than for you, so here it is- if you have ANYTHING critical on your drive, back it up to the cloud! I saw that you had a backup hard drive but obviously in this situation that didn’t help.

    A $10/mo Dropbox account backs up everything literally moments after you save the file on your local disk. Think about the hassle and cost of recovery and you’ll see why that cost is dirt cheap insurance against situations like this.

    Anyhow, again, glad you’re back online… good luck with the biz.

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