US currency

$50 USD Currency


Avoid the money changers, long lines when you land and 12-35% commission/bogus rate - get spending cash shipped to you before you leave.

Perfect for a coffee, snack or quick cab ride when you land.

Product Description

Priced at the averaged 90 day exchange rate (~4% commission charged by our bank)

To protect against fraud: Limit 2 orders per customer

Shipped as one (1) $50 bill


ATMs often provide the best rates, so it’s a question of finding one, hoping it takes your card and avoiding the lines that form when international flights arrive. We think that’s easier once you’ve checked in to your lodging and gotten settled.

We’d also recommend trying to find a bank that doesn’t charge out of network fees (some as high as $5 per withdrawal). Charles Schwab and Fidelity both offer checking accounts that reimburse ALL withdrawal fees, incurred anywhere in the world. An absolute must for frequent travelers.

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